Links to Kin As Parents Resources

Kin As Parents
Kin As Parents (KAP) Telephone Resources - National, State and Local agency contact telephone numbers 

Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services:  New info for grandparents, legal resources, support groups, with many links from Texas A & M Agri Life Extension

10 Tips for grandparents raising grandchildren: How to avoid financial shipwreck when raising your children's children

Stats, negative impacts of raising grandkids, positive impact on marriage of raising grandkids, with many links

Government Topics for Grandparents  - A multiple info site.

Child Welfare League of America  has several spots to aid in the rearing of children including " Kinship Care"

Grandparent and Kinship Parenting   Stories, Dealing with Stress, Healthy Living & Wellness, Mental Health Disorders, Helping the Children, financial Assistance, Legal Issues, Internet Resources, Local Resources, State Resources, Current News, etc.  This site has links to several other websites:

More Links

The GIC Voice (Grandparent Information Center) A free newsletter from AARP for grandparents who are raising grandchildren.

State Kinship Care Fact Sheets: A resource for grandparents and other relatives raising children provided by AARP (fact sheet for each state).

Search for a grandparent support group in your area provided by AARP.

Kinship Care Legal Research Center , American Bar Association

Benefits Check Up : A service of The National Council on the Aging for people 55 and over to find help with rent, property taxes, heating bills, meals and much more.

Grandparents Again List of grandparent support groups provided by

Generations United : GU is a national membership organization that focuses on promoting intergenerational strategies, programs, and public policies

Grandparents Magazine : An online magazine for all grandparents

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry AACAP) A very helpful site with information about mental health disorders in children & adolescents, as well as information on various topics of interest.

Article about grandparents raising grandchildren at AACAP

National Resource Center for Respite and Crisis Care

Find Legal Help .  Part of the American Bar Association's website with links to much good information

Retirement Life Today   Redirects to "55 Alive" amd includes information for grandparents raising grandchildren

Federal Citizen Information Center  Consumer Focus: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

National Center on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Children's Advocate    Action Alliance for Children

Being a Grandparent in the United Kingdom.  This website has a section about grandparents raising grandchildren

Grandparents: The New Gatekeepers for Early Motor Development  Article about early development in infants from "Pathways Awareness."